Titilola Balogun, MBBS, MPH, DrPH
My background is in clinical medicine. I practiced medicine in Nigeria for about 8 years before getting my MPH in 2012 and my DrPH in 2016 – both from the University of Texas School of Public Health at Houston. My research interests are maternal and child health, and adolescent health. As a resident in pediatrics I was initially interested in neonatal health, and malnutrition in children aged less than 5 years, but as I transitioned into public health and completed a fellowship in maternal and child health, my interests broadened to include adolescents. Most of my research on adolescent health has focused on juvenile justice-involved youth with particular reference to mental health, sexual health, and substance use.
Selected publications
Balogun, T., Soma, T., & O’Brien, L. (2021). Perceptions of Maine Health Care Providers on Youth Tobacco use and Prevention Efforts. Journal of Maine Medical Center. http://doi.org/10.46804/2641-2225.1076.
Balogun, T., Troisi, C., Swartz, M. D., Lloyd, L., & Beyda, R. (2020). Juvenile Justice-involved Youth: Preventive Health Services Received Prior to Detention. Journal of Correctional Health Care.
Balogun, T., Troisi, C., Swartz, M. D., Lloyd, L., & Beyda, R. (2019). Factors associated with Knowledge of where to Access Health Care among Youth in Juvenile Detention: A Mixed Methods Study. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health. doi: 10.1515/ijamh-2018-0128.
Balogun, T., Troisi, C., Swartz, M. D., Lloyd, L., & Beyda, R. (2018). Does juvenile detention impact health? Journal of Correctional Health Care, 24(2), 137-144. doi:10.1177/1078345818763174.
Beyda, R. M., Balogun, T. B., Trojan, N., & Eissa, M. A. (2015). Medical homes for detained youth. Oral platform presentation for the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine Annual Conference. Journal of Adolescent Health, 56(2), S16-S17.
Balogun, T. B. & Yakubu, A. M. (2015). Recent illness, feeding practices and father's education as determinants of nutritional status among preschool children in a rural Nigerian community. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, 61(2), 92.
Other scholarly activity
Scientific Conference Presentations
Balogun, T., & Walley, S. (2021, October). Assessing social capital in Southern Maine during the COVID-19 pandemic. Presented at the American Public Health Association Conference. Denver, CO.
Balogun, T. & Richie-Zavaleta, A. (2021, October). Overseeing virtual applied practice experience projects: A new normal for public health agencies? Presented at the American Public Health Association Conference. Denver, CO.
Adelaiye, H., Balogun, T., Garba, M., & Abdulkadir, I. (2021, October). Grant funding and the research productivity of Nigerian pediatricians and residents. Presented at the American Public Health Association Conference. Denver, CO.
Balogun, T., Soma, T., & O’Brien, L. (2020, October). Tobacco use among Maine youth: Perceptions and self-efficacy of healthcare providers on prevention efforts. Presented at the American Public Health Association Conference. San Francisco, CA (Virtual).
Balogun, T. (2020, October). Creating final products and demonstrating competencies: Preceptors’ experiences with mentoring online MPH students. Presented at the American Public Health Association Conference. San Francisco, CA (Virtual).
Kilgore, S., Brezault, T., & Balogun, T. (2020, October). COVID-19 in Pictures: Assessing the Impact of the Outbreak using a Multi-State Approach. Presented at the Maine Public Health Association Conference. Portland, ME (Virtual).
Balogun, T. B., & Beyda, R. (2017). Detained Latino youth: A Need for Connection to Community Resources. Presented at the American Public Health Association Conference. Atlanta, GA. November 2017.
Junaidi, M., Ettinger, D., & Balogun, T.B. (2017). Community Efforts to address Depression in a Rural Community in Maine. Presented at the Maine Public Health Association Conference. Portland, ME. October 2017.
9. Balogun, T. B., Troisi, C., Swartz, M. D., Lloyd, L., & Beyda, R. “For drug and alcohol use I would talk to mom”: A Mixed Methods study of Detained Youth. Presented at the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine Conference. New Orleans, LA. March 2017.
Research interests
Perinatal health, under-five morbidity and mortality in sub-Saharan Africa, adolescent health